Another Year Down

I can’t believe it’s almost over; this school year has a day and a half left. I can remember August like it was yesterday: the first day of school, getting my class schedule, and reuniting with friends. This year has gone by so fast that it amazes me. I remember that Football practice used to last until after dark. Basketball would be over in about an hour. The difference was something that was easy to get used to; however, growing up will be harder to get used to. Continue reading

The Next Step

High school. A very pivotal part of the lives of everyone in the country and the world. Getting up early for school each day, complaining about how bad it is, having fun with friends all at the same time, and always waiting for summer. But, what happens when you have completed your high school career?

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The Next Chapter

I can’t believe my Senior year of high school is finally drawing to an end! Looking back, I reminisce starting my first day as a freshman and how the time has past so quickly. From being shy in middle school, I eventually figured out the person I am and developed into the young woman I am today. High school has helped me with many things such as social skills, hard work ethic and who your true friends are, not just for the time being but a lifetime friendship. You find out where you fit in and who exactly you want to be around.

In your Junior and Senior year is where I believe you grow the most in these years of growing. Most our starting the first job, buying their first car or studying hard for the ACT. After high school I plan to work full time until I attend college in January 2014. I want to become a Dietician or a Dental Hygienist. This summer though, I plan to go after my one and only dream and that is to become a recording artist. It’s been my dream since I can remember and I will never give up no matter what. After all, you have to hear a lot more no’s til finally you get that one yes that will catapult you into your wildest dreams. As I have gotten older, I know who I am and somewhat what I want in life.

After these years of school fade away, there are still many things that will always remain with me. The teachers, child hood friends, the early morning smell of Mrs. Brown’s coffee, Coach Hill’s loud voice, all the senseless stupid drama, dreaded tests, and those unbearable seats! School has taught me a lot and it hasn’t always been easy. Sometimes it was miserable and sometimes you felt like giving up but that was never an option for me. Preserving was. I am proud to see how far my fellow students and I have become to where we stand now. I am so grateful for all the ones that helped me through school. I couldn’t have done it without patience and guidance from others.

I am thoroughly excited to be graduating with these people I have grown up with and have got to known ever since we were little kids. Once I walk across that stage, I will start the next big chapter in my life. It is kind of scary but we all have to spread our wings and fly. And my time is now! CONGRATS CLASS OF 2013!!!!

High School Is Slowly Coming To An End…

Well, sadly my sophomore year is nearly at its end.What comes next in life now that my sophomore year in high school is almost over? There is only a couple of days left before it turns into the summer break of me going back into high school as a junior. Its a good thing that im not going to be a senior yet and making my future plans because im not for sure  on what i want to be or better yet what i want to do after i graduate. Even though im going to be a junior with only a little bit more time high school, it will still give me some time to think about what my future will consist of and how everything will be. Most kids say that they are ready to graduate just to get out of school. And im one of those kids. Ive always said that im ready to get out of school, but ive never really looked at the big picture. Continue reading

The Lessons of Faded Years

As my years roll on, I noticed with ever more pressing dismay of the reality that has now dawned upon me, I’M GETTING OLD. I have one more year of high school, and I’ve learned a lot in this past junior year. I’m not just writing this because my teacher told me to (Which he did) but because it just seems like the right topic for my final post. The years I have experienced may have faded, but not the lessons I learned. The lesson are:

1. Getting the $1 Menu at McDonald’s is a great financial option for college. 

Rent Is Too Damn High - The Prices on everyday Materials Is too dang High!!

This year, I have probably sent the most amount of money in my life so far. How you might ask? Well, I decided to get out of my house more and send time with my friends. However, every time I go out, I send money. Not that I have a real big problem with it, it is just that the price of everything is TOO DANG HIGH! However, the money was not important nor is it now. The decision to get out of my house more this year was the best decision ever. The time spent with my friends was worth it.


Bye Highschool

In a few short days the 2013 class of Forrest high school will be leaving, and to never return to these “dreadful” class rooms ever again. People often times have a wide range of things they plan on doing when they get out of this place, some say that they want to run off to college and never return to this town again, while some say that they want to enter the workforce and stay around this little town. We were taut as children that there were countless things that we could do in life and that we needed to decide something and go after it, meaning that we should learn everything possible about it and give it everything that we had and to do our best.

The only problem with this way of thinking is that when your eighteen years old and walking across that stage, people often times expect you to know exactly what you plan to do with your life, go to college, a tech school, where you want to work, and just things of that nature. The real problem with this is simple, being young, meaning that we don’t have hardly any real world experience, it makes it extremely difficult to know what you would like to do with your life.

My point is that coming straight out of high school some kids are not really sure with what they want to do with their lifes, myself being one of them. But what does it mean to graduate?

Graduation, a word that makes children’s eyes light up, makes mothers cry, and makes fathers proud. graduation is probably one of the most exciting times of your life, your ready to get out in the real world no matter how bad your elders say it really is, your just ready to find out for yourself. Another extremely exciting aspect is that you feel like you can finally be who you want to be and no one can really stop you, you feel on top of the world and that everyone lives and strives to be like you. In all reality im positive it’s really not like this at all, you come out of high school unprepared for whats about to happen to you and there is really nothing you can do about it.