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 I love to fish, watch TV, play video games, and play sports. I consider these my main hobbies but I do have more. These may sound boring but they are very fun to me. They even work to the weather outside. If it’s sunny outside I’ll go fish or play basketball. If it’s raining I can go inside and watch TV or play xbox. My hobbies work together very well and this makes me happy. Continue reading

My Hobbies

San Francisco Giants v Los Angeles Dodgers                          Whitetail Buck standing at Forest edge.

Hobbies are a great way to pass the time. They are fun things that people do to relax and just have fun. They usually only take place during someone’s free time, but they can also be something that people spend all of their time on. I have many different hobbies. Fishing, hunting, playing sports, and going to the park are just a few of them. Continue reading

My Hobbies

Personally, I like to do productive things with my life. I like to play basketball, or any sport at that. I love adrenaline when it kicks in while I am playing a sport. I have a couple hobbies, some of them are: Hunting, Fishing, Watching t.v., and watching sports, and playing Xbox. I hunt during Deer season and Turkey season mostly. I fish for bass, bluegill, catfish, and sometimes crappie. I enjoy being out in the woods or out on the lake. I watch hunting and fishing on t.v. as well. I also like to watch sports channels and the spike channel. Continue reading

Idolization Side Effects

Have you ever stopped and looked at yourself and asked if you were dressed like yourself? Did you ask yourself why you were going somewhere? Did you ask yourself what you were drinking? So many people, not knowing, will do things that they would never do without inspiration from a source that is in their lives. Every time you watch Duck Dynasty you will idolize the characters and not know it. At my prom this year I saw two or three tuxes or dresses in camouflage. America has recently fallen in love with Si and Willie from the show Duck Dynasty. I’ve seen more of my friends go turkey hunting this year than I have in the last two put together. It seems like all the hype gets to people more often than not. Continue reading

Tim Tebow:[


Poor Tim Tebow, first he was told he wasn’t going to be a quarterback in the NFL, and now he is unemployed. Tebow is one of the most prolific college quarterbacks of all time and has been scrutinized for his faith rather than his playing ability. Peyton Manning may very well have ended Tim Tebows career in the NFL. When the Broncos signed Manning they knew they could not keep Tebow who is the most popular sports figure in the US because of his public profession of faith. They might as well have nailed the coffin in Tebows career in the NFL they sent him out of all teams to the New York Jets the biggest joke in the NFL. The Broncos saw this and nailed to birds with one stone. They got a good quarterback and tried to end Tebows career, and get Rex Ryan fired because no one likes listening to him anyway. They said if we send Tebow there he will not have any chance to be successful and he will take the franchise down with him. Continue reading

There was a doggie….

You see this is how the world  as we  know it will end, there is no nuclear holocaust, or zombie apocalypse, there was simply a doggie. Continue reading

The End

We all understand the amount of nuclear weapons being processed throughout the world. The next war among America will be a nuclear war. Civilians that don’t want war but would rather have peace will leave their countries when the war begins. Before they leave though, they unknowingly contract a slight infection from the radiation. It starts out with a cough here and there or stomach problems; however, what they don’t know is that they are going to start a plague in whatever nation they are going to. Continue reading

End of The World Theory

The end of the world is a very complex situation.  There have been many different theories of how the world will end, but yet there is no way possible to find out exactly what the cause of the end will be.  Some people have said that they believed in a zombie apocalypse, a meteor shower that will end the world and many other wild ideas.  Some of the ideas are highly impossible, but yet, some are plausible and could happen. Continue reading

The Loss of a True Friendship

One morning two good friends, Jack and Bobby were hanging out after school, these two have been good friends since they have both been six, now they are 17.  Lately, they have both been trying to catch the attention of some girls around school.  Jack and Bobby are both tired of not being with girls and just dreaming about it.  So this Monday morning, after they got out of class, they were walking home talking about the girls that they like, then all of a sudden a very pretty girl named Sarah walked out in front of them, they both stopped, looked, and at the same time said “I want to meet that girl.”  They looked at each other in a daring sense, started walking again silent and awkward like.  Then finally Bobby hesitated and said “Want to make it a bet?” “see who can get her first.”  Jack replies, “Yes…..Yes i do.”

About two days have passed when Bobby saw Sarah walking around the mall, so he went up to her and started talking to her.  Oddly enough he say her phone light up with Jacks name appearing and he then felt a strong competitive feeling.  So he thought to himself then asked Sarah on a date for that night, she said yes to his offer.  That night as Bobby and Sarah arrived at the movies, he also saw Jack and his parents walking into the theater and they strangely looked at each other and walked off.  After their date Bobby went home to find Jack on his porch pacing very fiercely.  Bobby walks up to him and sarcastically says “Whats wrong there, buddy?” “What are you doing, your dating her now?” Jack replies.  “i thought we were just playing about this bet” “i told you that i actually liked this girl.”  Bobby looks very surprised, “I’m sorry man, i didn’t think you were serious…..but, i guess i won the bet, ha ha.”  Jack looks at him and says in a very quiet tone, “I hate you so much.” “Do not talk to me.”

The next day Bobby thinks about calling Jack and apologizing because he realizes that he might lose him as a friend if he doesn’t give her up, but then he thinks and feels that he would rather have the girl this time.  Bobby just lost his best friend of 11 years for a girl he just met and he is happy with his decision.