Obesity in the U.S.

Wendy's_logo_2012.svgHumans need food to survive, it’s as plain as that, but when is enough enough? Studies show that more than one-third of Americans are obese. How is it that so many people have become obese though? Obviously, fast food restaurants such as McDonald’s, Wendy’s, and Taco Bell play a large part in this but there are other factors.

sleeperSleep is one factor that has to do with weight. Too little sleep can spur some less-than-ideal food choices. What do you do when you wake up in the middle of the night? Odds are probably go get something to eat and go back to sleep. Well by doing this you’re eating and not exercising so it doesn’t go away or get worked off. You’re putting in more energy than you’re working off.

This can also occur over time. This is where the fast food restaurants come in. Eating more than the normal 2,000 calories someone is supposed to consume in one day is easily feasible at any fast food place; however, if somebody does go out and eat unhealthy a lot of exercise can help this problem out.

Eating healthy and exercising daily is the cliche that, no matter how annoying it is to hear, is true. This doesn’t mean one can’t go out and splurge every once in a while but it’s best if that doesn’t become a habit without exercising.

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