No Longer Friends

Once upon a time I had a friend and I ended up falling for him. However he didn’t feel the same, and  he wanted my “best friend” instead.  I wanted nothing to do with her, and dropped her out of my life. I know now that probably wasn’t the right thing to do.. Even though it hurt me to talk to him I still wanted to. I’d put a smile on my face through-out the day  and acted like I didn’t care.

We still talked everyday. Numerous text messages and phone calls were shared. We would talk  about anything and everything.  Minutes turned into hours, hours turned into days, and days turned into months of this non-stop talking. Every now and then we would have a fight over stupid little nonsense and there have been times we have went days without talking, but always ended up making up. 🙂 Things between us would change all the time. One day he would want to be my friend the next day he would want nothing to do with me. 😦

Recently, I’ve found out how he truly feels. He never cared and now he wants absolutely nothing to do with me, and I don’t know why. Now we see each other in the halls and act like we are just strangers. Like nothing between us ever happened. I say I don’t care but I know deep down I do. Even though I put him before me as well as everyone else..  I now know that was the wrong thing to do. I still care for him tremendously and I can only hope time will make things better.

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